Sunday, April 22, 2012


So yesterday our church welcomed 20 members to be adults in the I thought I'd dig up an old post I wrote after I was confirmed (back when I had a yahoo! blog...which...really didn't qualify as a 'blog').

5/1/11 12:47am
  • {} = ADD interruption

    Today, I was confirmed. I confirmed my faith, I confirmed my promise to willingly grow in my faith on my own, and in doing so, I was confirmed an adult in the Church. Msgr. Zens {his name reminds me of some short, little, purple, furry dude who lives in a mountain. I know my ADD is getting this from something...} anyways, each of his homilies for confirmation, he has a different word to focus on. The word he chose today was "Conversation". perfect word for the girl who loves to talk. {It also makes me think of converse shoes, but that isn't important right now} ...well honestly, and surprisingly, I do not have too much to comment on about the word...not much conversation about conversation lol.
    Maybe I'm just tired...I just noticed the time maybe tomorrow I will write about being on fire, or Joan of Arc...hmm or a combination of that since she was burned...
kay, sorry...admittedly that was pretty much about feeling uninspired...but it was what I wrote while trying to fall asleep after my confirmation day.
I'll post the next night since it's a little more...inspired...I suppose...

5/2/11 10:05pm
{} = ADD interruption
Okay, so I feel like a complete idiot for not making this connection about Confirmation and Pentecost sooner.
So anyways, I thought I'd type out all the connections I found, and maybe if you have something to add, leave a comment (lol you as in someone of my imaginary audience...or one of my four connections of family who doesn't have time to waste reading this... *"loser" smiley* -meh lol)
Okay, so Confirmation is the beginning of a person's adult life in the church. Basically, in my opinion (I do need to add that here since I am not the church), your Catholic faith truly starts at Confirmation, since at that point you are at the age of reason, and you agree, and fully believe the Church's teachings, and pledge to be responsible, continue, and follow, the Catholic faith. In the case of Pentecost, this was the st- {spider just ran across my keyboard...was somewhere in my bed. Finally found it, then realized I had no Kleenex except...well I wont go into the hassle of killing it, but it took me about 8 minutes to kill this darn thing, then I looked up and saw two more spiders on the wall. I am being intruded upon by spiders...*sigh* not the first time...}
ANYWAYYS {where was I?} oh yeah, okay, so Pentecost was the beginning of the Catholic Faith herself. Just as Confirmation is the beginning of each individual following their Catholic Faith. So that is my first, overall comparison.

Second, Pentecost was when the disciples and followers were scared that they would be persecuted and/or killed, so they hid by themselves in the room. This is very often the state which most of us are before Confirmation. We, the disciples, keep to ourselves about our faith. We are scared of how others will judge, and persecute us. So we hide it, out of fear.
Now for the most obvious relation, while the disciples were hiding in the upper room, the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire to each disciple. From that point on, they left the sheltered room, and went out into the world, spreading God's Word. They were not scared, they were bold. That had strength now to not be afraid to share God's News. Nothing hindered their faith spreading, not even different languages. Before, they were afraid to speak, now they could reach to all in a way each person could understand. Before, they hid in a room, now they went throughout the world preaching to those who needed to hear it. Now, Confirmation is the exact same. As mentioned previously, prior to being confirmed, we are often to scared of our peers' opinions and persecutions to speak out about our Faith. During Confirmation, the Holy Spirit descends into each of God's disciples (us), putting us on Fire for God, giving us courage and strength to stand up for our Faith, opening our mouths that we can proclaim and preach our Faith without fear, coming out of our hiding places, and going into the world. Many times people even start speaking tongues when the Holy Spirit descends into them, just as the disciples did 2000some years ago.
{I have this annoying idea that there has to be some connection with the room being the upper room...its annoying because the inspiration is only kindling, but I have no complete thought on it...}
So the disciples back then, go out and convert others to Christianity, not hiding or being afraid of persecutions because they are filled with the Holy Spirit, just as we become after true Confirmation.
I say "true" Confirmation, because perhaps not everyone has this 'effect' after being confirmed {here is my opinion again, rather than my 'observation'...}. But it does make sense as to why some may not have that 'fire' for God and boldly evangelize after their Confirmation, if it wasn't their decision. If the person was truly only going along to please their parents, most likely they would not have that same enthusiasm for the faith. But if they whole-heartily, wanted and believed their faith, fully knowing and understanding the meaning of Confirmation, then they undoubtedly receive that gift of the Holy Spirit, with its fire, courage...everything...
[I -the current 'I'- want to insert here, that even if a confirmandi didn't feel that 'fire' for God, that does not in any way mean that it wasn't his/her decision or that he/she didn't whole-heartily believe their faith... it's only a scenario for some of the ...not a generalization. Okay, I just wanted to add that...go back in your time machine to about a year-ago-me]
Next I want to examine the word 'Confirmation'. "the state of being confirmed" if we further define 'confirm' we get:
"to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of" Confirmation establishes, the truth, accuracy, validity, and genuineness of
The OneTrue Faith.
Along with that definition, Confirmation comes from the Latin verb "confirmo" meaning "to strengthen; to declare; to confirm". It is quite apparent that each of those translations play a role in confirmation. Strengthening your faith, declaring your faith, and confirming your faith.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I Can Not Tolerate Tolerance.

PLEASE don't pass this post just because it looks really long. I took the time to write it, so you can take the much much less time to read it (yep. that's where I'm at.) plus...I even did research!
I probably could cut out a lot of ramblings or 'fat' in the beginning of here as I worked through a scattered mind, but some people have told me it's somewhat entertaining sooo...I'll just use that as an excuse to not have to edit it out and reconnect the thoughts. (it's really not that long, btw, just took me a long time to write).
kay, that's it. [I'm posting this late, I actually wrote it Friday night].

Ugh. I don't even know where to start. Let me pray and then come back to the keys...maybe I can turn my frustration into some sense. *prays that God keeps my mind clear and inspired, and that all tangents have a purpose, and have nothing to do with pistachios or rhyming. amen* I'm back.

Okay sooo...I'll start this post with the words which I start many posts: I don't even know where to start.
[lol, I totally just realized I already wrote those exact words in my first line up there.]
Anyways, so i guess I'll just start where my mind is at the moment. My family along with some friends just saw the movie Monumental, and then discussed it over some warm fresh cookies.

"Monumental is the story of America's beginnings. Presented, produced, and starring Kirk Cameron, the 90-minute true story follows this father of six across Europe and the U.S. as he seeks to discover America's true "national treasure" -- the people, places, and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation the world has ever known. "
(it won't let me post it as a video)
This post isn't directly about the movie, but some of the ideas are inspired from our discussion afterwords.

Truth, tolerance, and guilt.

Before I jump to tolerance, I want to discuss truth. Let's first vent a little about the idiocy behind 'relatism' and make sure you understand the idiocy.
 Let's define it:

"The doctrine that no ideas or beliefs are universally true but that all are, instead, 'relative'that is, their validity depends on the circumstances in which they are applied. "[1]
"no ideas are true and that's the truth." Confuzzled?
I'd also like to question the words "validity depends". You're most likely sitting in a chair. [I'm taking this explanation example from "Prove It!: God" ...I tried being more original and coming up with my own...but I started talking about the digital VT-100 and decided to backspace and try 'simple' for a change.] Anyways. The truth is you're sitting in a chair no matter what 'circumstances' you 'apply' it to. [that is of course, unless you are sitting in/on your bed, the floor, a beanbag, a swing, a box, an exercise ball, a spring animal, a pillow, a bike, the grass, a boflex, rocking horse, or a wagon, in which case I ask that you move yourself to a chair, so the previous statement can (not may, but can) be true.] Have you moved? Okay, now let's say that again. The truth is that you are sitting in a chair, right? It doesn't matter if it is raining. It doesn't matter if you are eating pistac- almonds. It doesn't matter if you have a Buddhist friend next to you. You are sitting in a chair. Okay, glad we got that down. That's objective. I think most of us know the difference between 'objective' and 'subjective' statements. And I suppose I could even have just used the example from the 2nd grade work books, when you had to differentiate between fact and opinion. But I didn't think of that until now, and in the words of Pilate- I have written what I have written.
[*sigh* I'm taking waaayyyy to long to get to my point. and I hope you have not abandoned taking me seriously, because I do {believe it or not} have a point.]
SO. Back to the chair (thought I dropped it?). You may say that your chair is the most comfortable, most beautiful chair to ever have existed. But your Buddhist friend thinks it is horrid. [here is where 'most people' would follow with some "non-racist" "don't want to offend" "politically correct" comment, about how they don't have a problem with Buddhist and they just randomly wrote that and blah blah blah. which...I don't...have a particular 'problem' with them (the people) and I did just randomly write that....but I don't make "political apologies" kay? good.]
Anyways, so your friend disagrees and believes the chair is hideous and uncomfortable. Is one of you "right"? Whose belief is "truth"? Okay, well that's subjective.
But while your friend can say, "that chair is uglier than an old sphinx cat" he may not (see, now I use 'may') say in truth "that is not a chair." No matter how much he believes it is not- the chair is. and that's the truth.
Okay, I REALLY need to move on to my point, and I really hope I haven't lost you. Basically- you can't be sitting on a chair - AND- not sitting on a chair- at the same time. Truth is truth, and it's validity doesn't "depend" on circumstances.
Yet, 'politically correct' too-lazy-to-try-to-debate-about-your-God relativists, may just say, "oh, well everything is true, so nothing is truly true- and that's the truth."
yeah...okay...and fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy. was he? 


Here's a HUGE, if not the BIGGEST problem with our society today. Another political attempt to please everyone, which ends up pleasing no one, therefore like many of the 'socially acceptable' statements and ideas- caves in on itself.
"Tolerate everything except intolerance!"
Okay, I just looked up the definition for 'intolerance' on it irks me. I guess it just says for itself what our culture has become.
"lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc."[3]
Excuse me? "unwillingness" or "refusal"?  ..."to respect contrary opinions or..." okay I have issues with every single one of those words, so if I begin to emphasize on it, I'll just end up retyping it.
Here's the definition given for tolerate:
"to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit. "[4]
Sounds nice and pretty, right? Let's remove the synthesizers and autotune...and look at what this TRULY sounds like...what it TRULY is.
The new resolution, known as “resolution 16/18,” called on countries to combat “intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization” based on religion, without seeking to criminalize speech – except in cases of “incitement to imminent violence.”[2]
Oh, we won't criminalize your free speech...well...except when we think you're encouraging violence that may be likely to occur.
Sooo...who gets to decide what, how and when violence is 'likely to occur'? Oh, that's right. When those really threatening, terrifying, violent pro-lifers are quietly praying on the sidewalk.
Read this shocking article (and you can sadly find mannnyyy more just like it) titled "Pro-life activist beaten, arrested, and accused of bomb plot by police while handing out pro-life flyers at local town fair":

And what about those out there fighting against the intolerance "based on religion" regarding the HHS mandate?
Let's go back to the "resolution 16/18" Obama Administration is pushing.
On the sidelines of a first meeting held to advance resolution 16/18, in Istanbul last July, Pakistan’s U.N. ambassador Zamir Akram said that the OIC [Organization of Islamic Cooperation] would not compromise on three things – anything said or done against the Qur’an, anything said or done against Mohammed, and discrimination against the Muslim community. (Akram represents a government overseeing some of the Islamic world’s most controversial blasphemy laws, where“blaspheming” the Qur’an or Mohammed carries the death penalty.)[2]
Whoo! Yeahh!! Let's tolerate the ones who refuse to 'tolerate' us! If we don't tolerate them...oh wait- they don't tolerate that! Well, since we have to tolerate their intoleration of our intoleration-
we're tolerating the death penalty.

I'm not being dramatic.
But when Catholics would not compromise...

The new Obama mandate that requires religious groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions for their employees could result in fines as much as $2,000 per employee or $100 each day if they refuse to comply.[5]

 “Don’t impose your teaching upon us and make us do as a church what we find unconscionable to do!”[6]- Cardinal Timothy Dolan

 "the administration announced they were taking religious principles very seriously–by giving institutions an extra year to get over them. The Obama administration refused to change a controversial rule that would require religious institutions, in violation of their conscience, to pay for contraceptive drugs—including those that could cause an abortion."[7]

But let's tolerate those who killed a part of the United Sates on that one September day in 2001.

President Obama, how about you just tolerate our refusal to your unconstitutional mandates.

Finally, as much as I wanted to end with that comment, I have one thing left I have to clear up. (oh, and I'll have to just write about guilt another time, even though it goes hand in hand with truth and toleration...or is sort of the skewed connection between the two. But you've been very patient, so I'll save it for another time.)
BUT. I have to add that the HHS mandate is NOT a "Catholic" issue, nor is it a "contraceptive" issue. Yes, those two are very involved- but this is an American issue. An issue of Religious Freedom.
The Religious Freedom Act had it's own battles of being passed. Religious freedom laws were instituted and repealed over and over, beginning in 1649 with the Maryland Religion Toleration Act, up until the establishment of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the First Amendment as a part of the Bill of Rights, in 1791.
Those $2,000 per employee fines, will put religious affiliated organizations out of business. This includes, hospitals (who often help the poor for no costs), insurance companies (many which remain affordable for those who can barely afford insurance), social services...etc.

And in a TRUE final comment, I really wasn't planning on going off about the HHS mandate...but it goes along the lines of liberty and freedom and truth and tolerance...and all of it came out.
Heheh. I just read the post. it ended up nothing like I thought it would.

If you have any comments to add or respond, and/or ESPECIALLY if any of my information is incorrect, please feel free to uh...comment!

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

He has Risen!

Okay, now the happier post. The purpose of the suffering (read the Suffering post first).

Alleluia! (that word has a lot of 'l's)
He has overcome death, beat the devil, and opened the gates of Heaven for us. (some secret password...I for sure would have never gotten through it).

Sooo...I could try to go on all about Jesus rising, and us rising...well, now that I wrote that I think I briefly may...since something came up.

I found out yesterday (Saturday) that someone I know died on Friday (along with Jesus I guess). He wasn't very old, middle-age I guess... someone who I saw every couple months or so. I hadn't seen him too long ago, only a couple weeks, and he seemed to be doing fine (he was recovering from a car accident a few months prior, but other than that he was doing 'normal'). But all so know? I'm not even sure where I'm going here...I'm just completely putting down any sort of 'writing' shield I'm just typing out some thoughts here (not that that's not what I normally do...but I do attempt to have some clarity of thought). [sorry to throw this in the Easter post.] But during our Easter Vigil, and thinking about Jesus's death and resurrection, I thought of our own resurrection that came out of His. We shall rise again.

Death is not empty. I mean, why would it be? People really believe that we just go through our lives and then die and that's it? nothing? that's depressing. But I suppose that is why death is depressing to us. Okay, yes, death is very is a suffering...but only for us who have not lived through death...who have not passed. We mourn for's sad cause...we're left behind. It can also be sad when a person wasn't ready...but that isn't for us to determine. We just need to keep ourselves always ready, for the thief in the night. That way, when it comes, we may resurrect with Jesus, and we may celebrate our deaths.

Think about what dies. Our earthly bodies (which if our wait to pass is long, are old and wrinkly anyway) die, but only to gain new invincible, immortal, everlasting bodies.
"What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. 38But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. 39"- 1 Corinthians 15:36-39
...we are just the seeds of our next bodies...
"The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body."-1 Corinthians 15:42-44
"I, I'm invincible
I'm indestructible
It's my destiny

I, I'm invincible
I'm unshakeable
Through the truth in my soul

You know you just can't kill a man when he's dead
You know the spirit survives (invincible)
You can't stop the advance of the Kingdom to come
You know the truth is alive (invincible)

To be invincible
Without sacrifice

Feel, feel the birth inside
The life that cannot die
Are you invincible
You know you can't kill a man when he's dead." ~"Invincible" by Skillet

[Sorry about the tangent. I heard this song as I read that Scripture, and like I said- I've dropped my shield that would usually stay a tad more focused]

But what else dies when we die? Our pride. I mean, we still may have some form of reputation, but people can say 'whatever' about us...the impression we've made is done. We can't exactly 'fight back' with our nasty prides. We're in complete humility.

Weakness dies. Our sin dies. Once in Heaven, we no longer are tempted to sin. We no longer fall. We are no longer weak- but invincible.

Suffering dies. Through Jesus's suffering and death, and then after passing through our own- suffering and death die themselves once and for all for us. We no longer suffer in Heaven, and there is no death. We rise from our deaths, because Christ rose from His.

He has risen indeed!


Sooo...I really wanted to post on Friday about suffering, but by the time we went to church, watched The Passion as a family, I was really tired and went to be early. I had so much I wanted to write about on Good Friday...walking through His passion starting at the garden, and reflecting in each step...but I guess I'll just focus on suffering altogether [then again...I know I have notes somewhere on suffering as well...] and either write the post or save it for next Good Friday (if I'm still blogging, which I hope I will =).

-Oh but first I want to make a follow up to Thursday's washing of the feet.
9“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” 10Jesus answered, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
There was an unclean man who did shortly after receive a bath of not only his feet, but his head, hands, entire body and soul.
 The guard who pierced Jesus's side...was showered in the blood and water of our Savior.

34One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out. . . 36These things happened in fulfillment of the Scriptures that say, “Not one of his bones will be broken,”i 37and “They will look on the one they pierced.”j -John 19:34-37

"O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us...Jesus, I trust in You."


So I guess I'll just start by writing what usually comes to mind when I think of suffering. Suffering has a purpose. So many times we suffer and think, "Really God? What's the point in this? Why do I have to suffer and struggle with this?" and we become so focus on our selves, and our pain. But have you ever prayed through suffering? I don't mean only praying as you suffer, but using your suffering as a prayer. Perhaps the next time you're inclined to complain about a situation, think, "I'll do this joyfully, so that my one friend may come to know God better." Or perhaps while exercising, "I'll do five more of this exercise to pray for all the innocent lives scheduled to be killed today, for their mothers and families, and for the ones doing the procedure. Or maybe while being tempted by food, or any temptation, "I won't fall under this temptation, to pray for all those with power and leadership positions, that they may lead those under them morally and justly, guiding them to You, God." Or simply do any of the actions as a prayer of love and thanksgiving to God. Even suffering through a headache or any physical, mental or spiritual pain; if we can endure it not for ourselves, but for a certain person, prayer, or simply as an act of love to God, it gives it so much more purpose as well as takes our focus off of ourselves and the pain, and onto someone else, for a much greater purpose.

Think about the greatest suffering ever. The most agonizing torture to any man, was not in the least bit purposeless. In fact, that Suffering, gave us Salvation. And all through that Suffering...that Man did not think of Himself. He did it for us. And the hardest part is...we're the ones who put Him there. We've betrayed Him. We've denied Him. We've whipped, scourged, and gouged into him. We've spat on Him. We've pressed and pierced His head with thorns. We've caused Him to stagger. We've hammered nails into His hands onto a cross. We've killed Him. And He has endured it- for us.

That grave suffering was the most horrible, painful, gruesome, wonderful, loving, beautiful...and above all- most purposeful...than any other.
Whatever we are going through- no matter how difficult and painful- cannot even begin to measure what our Savior endured for us. Let us then find purpose in our own suffering, and endure it for Him.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wash MY feet??

2The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. 3Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.
When He died on the cross, He was wearing only a garment or 'towel' around his waist.I mean, I know it says 'outer' clothing, and maybe this means nothing. I dunno, just a thought I had as I read that.

5After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

6He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”

7Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
We often don't know why our lives go the way they do, or why God 'lets' certain things happen to us. We should listen to these words whenever we are unsure about a situation at hand, or doubt that a certain circumstance has any purpose besides making us miserable. I'm sure the disciples were very perplexed, and had no idea whatsoever how Jesus's treacherous death could have in any way been positive. Faith, hope, and trust, all must have been tested amongst so many followers. How in the world could any good have come from that suffering? ...we didn't realize then what He was doing...but now we do.

8“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”

Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
So much humility on so many levels. Jesus, the Son of God, washing the feet of His disciple, His student [discipulus means 'student' in Latin btw]. Wow. I mean, we look at Peter's response and think "sheesh, you're telling the Son of God what He will and will not do?" But what if you or I was sitting there. Would you have no problem with sitting, getting your feet washed, by Jesus? What if He came up to you right now, quietly knelt down, removed your shoes and multi-colored socks, and...washed...your...feet. How would you respond? I know I would be like Peter and protest. I'm so unworthy! -but only with my dirty feet. I am unworthy because they are SO dirty...but Jesus doesn't grimace. He doesn't make a face at the smell. He doesn't rush to find the nearest germX. He kneels down at my feet...and washes them. They are no longer filthy.
So why aren't we, the disciples, washing Jesus's, our Master's, feet? because they aren't dirty. They don't have a speck of dust on them. Well, that is until...until our dirt and filth has accumulated to Him, once he is there taking that dirt, filth, and blood away from us. He washes the dirt from us, by taking it on Himself.

9“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”

10Jesus answered, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
Jesus, I've betrayed you. Please drench me with your living water and cleanse me. Head to toe. Peter may have asked, but he did not need it because he was clean. I am not. And although I know am not worthy for you to cleanse me, you still do...and then I am worthy to be in your presence- to have a part with you.

12When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place.
After He finishes cleansing us of our filth...he returns to His place. At the right hand of the Father.

“Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. [we Disciples aren't so quick ;) ]  13“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.[*Thaddeus raise his hand* "ooh! ooh! how about we make these rainbow bracelets that say WWJD? Get it? as in What Would Jesus Do? it'd be like- I'm walking, and then I see this guy whose having troubles with his donkey, and I can look at my bracelet and be like BAM! WWJD?" *Thomas rolls eyes* "I doubt that will ever catch on."]
 16I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.
This last line really made me think. I didn't get why Jesus said,"I tell you the truth" as in, 'I kid you not'..."no servant is greater than his master..." I thought, I've got to be missing something, because my first reaction is "duh!" but you never say "duh" to Jesus...nothing He ever says is obvious enough to us humans to give Him that response. So why did He have to mention it? Well, I put myself back in the unworthy position of Jesus washing my that point...He- The Master- was serving me. ...uh...okay to be honest I thought I had something but now I forgot and am all confused again. But there is one thing I noticed...previously He said "You call me Teacher" which would imply that they the disciples, are the students (which again, is simply the translation of 'discipulus' in Latin).Then He says: "no servant is great than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." Well, the word 'apostle' translates from Greek 'apostolos' meaning "one who is sent away."  Therefore, the translation is "emissary" which we then get from Latin 'ex' "from" and "'mitto' "send". We then simply make the translation of 'messenger.' So when Jesus said, "nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him" I think Jesus could have very straightforwardly been meaning the apostles to Him. But...I guess I figured that anyways, so that boring tangent really didn't get me anywhere. I'm tired. I'm not ending this in some summary in attempt to make you think. I'm just clicking publish, closing this post, closing the screen, and closing my eyes.
-no matter how awkward it may be- let Jesus wash your feet...But then...try your best to keep them clean...wear flip flops in the locker room and such...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools'

Happy April Fools Day everyone! (thought I'd forget to write on my favorite holiday? [*cough* I mean next to Jesus's birthday of course]).

Sorry I didn't post any before April 1st...I sort of forgot what day it was until late Saturday night. Some of these would be great to do...but after today I may need to give up my joy of pranking for a while [I wouldn't have posted them since my family reads this. *waves* hey mom.] if I can't do these, I might as well share with others.

Here are some Arpil Fools stories:

"The night before April Fools Day, I painted a bar of soap with clear nail polish. This makes the soap appear normal, but it won't lather at *all*. I put a small amount of syrup on the back of the knobs to the shower. When my husband went to turn on the shower in the morning, he got a hand full of syrup - he grabbed the soap to wash it off and it wouldn't lather! He still talks about this one year after year..."
"Unscrew the rim of the bathroom faucet after everyone has gone to sleep March 31,place an Easter Egg Dying tablet in and replace the rim.The next morning,the first one who turns on the faucet in the morning will get a blue (or green,yellow or red) surprise!! It just happens that all the stores are selling Easter Egg dying kits at this time." 
"on april fools 2006 I was about to ship MEPS and leave for basic.Since I would not be seeing my husband for a while I would give him a good April fools joke.... I bought a cheep pregnancy test and used a pink marker to make the two lines that says you are pos then put it back together.I knew my husband would be home soon so I called him sounding serious and told him that we had to step father met him at the door and told him I was in the bathroom I came out crying (eye drops) set the test in his hand and walked off before I started laughing....he freaked out and I came in laughing and told him april fools which he was relieved but not too month later on may 1st I kissed my husband and boys good bye and went to meps I returned home that evening Sobbing Im pregnant (real this time) he brushed it off thinking I was messing with him again so I showed him the official positive.I thought he was going to die laughing all the time saying APRIL FOOLS .....jan 1st 2007 I had my little girl"

"Superglue coins to the pavement. You'll need to find a spot that is both heavily trafficked and suitable for gluing; a front sidewalk or driveway works well, though you may need to clean the surface to get the coins to stick."
The following are pranks by companies [it won't let me put the videos here, but just follow the links]

The Peugeot RCZ: The mood colour changing car-

Oh, and let's not forget Google...who posted about their Google Maps 8-Bit Edition on their youtube channel:!
AND a personal favorite- Google tap:

Aaaand you can just go here to see what Kodak came up with:

...there's more but you probably have other things to do.

If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?
 {it also happens to be International Tongue Twister Day}

OH. and also...being Palm Sunday:

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